Should AI Robots be Citizens?

It might seem like an outrageous question at first, but as our society becomes more reliant on robots for everything from improving efficiency at work to improving our sex lives, we need to ask it. Should robots be treated the same as citizens?

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Can We Customize Diets With Artificial Intelligence?

Aug 23

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Higher Education

Aug 08

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already made an impression on higher education. And like businesses in many industries, educators and administrators are cautiously evaluating the pros and cons of AI applications.

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machine learning

One reality, two options. You choose.

Jul 31

Since our creation, everything in life has been in constant evolution. Human beings, society, law, and technology, are examples in which their own evolution has been key to achieve all the advantages we have nowadays. Sometimes, changes come when we are still not ready for them, but we have two options: face reality, adapt or let reality eat us up. I prefer the first option.

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data science

How is the learning process of Artificial Intelligence?

Jun 30

The majority of living beings in the world go through a growing and learning process in which someone else teaches them how to do several things. If you look at humans, when we are children, our parents teach us specific behaviors and how to accomplish our obligations. If you see animals, their parents teach them how to hunt, survive, and defend themselves. We can find the same connection with Artificial Intelligence, and there will always be someone teaching or submitting information.

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machine learning

Can Artificial Intelligence Bring an End to Cyberbullying?

May 25

Before we were so connected by technology, bullying was most frequently identified in school settings. For example, remember Scut Farkus in “A Christmas Story” or Brian Johnson (Anthony Michael Hall’s character) in “The Breakfast Club?” But Bullying is not just for kids. Harassment and hate speech exists in the workplace and socially among adults. So, what’s changed, and what can be done about it?

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Artificial Intelligence Enhances the Sex Industry

May 13

Not since the sexual revolution of the 1960s has the US experienced such a massive transformation in its perception of sexuality. Today’s change is driven by the acceptance of non-traditional sexual activities and relationships. Changing family structure, fewer families having children, awareness and acceptance of the LGBT community, and independent women are all bringing about a new sexual liberation.

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data science

Beyond Drones: Artificial Intelligence and Air Transportation

Apr 29

Autonomous aircrafts exist today, and we’re not simply referring to drones. Over recent years, automated artificial intelligence (AI) flight systems have taken on more and more tasks from pilots. Today, these systems have taken on the role of an additional (not replacement) co-pilot. The benefit goals? Flight crews will have less stress and a reduced risk of pilot error.

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How Artificial Intelligence Improves Online Transactions

Apr 16

Online payments are set to increase 11% per year between 2015 and 2020 according to a report from Cap Gemini & BNP Paribas. Companies that accept online payments and transactions are forced to face users’ concerns about accuracy and fraud. PayPal and QuickBooks, for example, have added an extra layer of security protection to their login process. They text an access code to the phone number a user has on record in their account; which identifies the person who is in possession of the phone as the account holder. This is a great enhancement, but it is does not use the more sophisticated solutions companies should be looking to implement using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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How AI Impacts Personal Loan Decisions?

Apr 01

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven lending practices are gaining visibility and credibility. AI tools used with machine learning can analyze more data for a more accurate answer to loan requests. Lenders using new AI systems can evaluate bank account balances calculated with purchase history, social media habits, and utility payments to determine a person’s creditworthiness.

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